Qu’est-ce que le Règlement de zonage?

    The Zoning By-law is one of the main tools available to the City to control what is built on its territory. It is a set of implementing regulations through which the intent of the Official Plan takes effect. These regulations, which provide for the day-to-day administration of this plan, have the force of law. 

     The Zoning By-law governs:

      • the vocation of the territory and the buildings (residences, retail businesses or light industries);
      • the height and volume of buildings and other structures, as well as their location on the lot;
      • the density of buildings and developments;
      • the area and dimensions of the lots;
      • permissions, requirements and standards for on-site parking;
      • certain aspects of the character of the buildings and the fittings.

    By regulating land use and development, the Zoning By-law is the tool through which Council can address various issues of interest and concerns to the municipality. Zoning affects housing supply and affordability, greenhouse gas emissions, economic development, public health, protection of agricultural land and many other priorities.

    In short, zoning is the tool through which the City's planning vision becomes a reality.

    Pourquoi faut il adopter un nouveau Règlement de zonage?

    The current version of Zoning By-law 2008-250 is adapted from older versions of the Zoning By-law , which was written for the City at a very different time, with objectives that are no longer the same as today. These older versions belong to the era before light rail transit, densification and climate change in Ottawa, when the region's population was never expected to exceed half a million. inhabitants.

    This zoning by-law, which has evolved over the past 60 years, is also one of the most complex and difficult in Canada.

    It no longer meets the needs of the hour at all. Clumsy and obsolete, it also unnecessarily increases costs, delays and frustration for all those who use it, whether residents, owners, builders, developers or businesses. It undermines the City's planning objectives and creates friction, uncertainty and unnecessary delays and costs for the quality of development, while opening loopholes that can be exploited in development projects. thoughtless. Perhaps even worse, it undermines confidence in the planning system, especially in cases where residents struggle to understand a by-law  that results in development projects. with which they may not agree.

    The new Zoning By-law will be completely overhauled to be efficient, effective and enforceable. It will be accessible, and all stakeholders, from residents and owners to developers and business owners, can easily apply it.